Shorts, shorts, shorts!

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Shorts. Probably one of the most dreaded piece of clothing items to shop for, try on or sometimes even wear, but today I’m sharing some tips for choosing the right shorts for you!

  1. Buy the right size-  This is so, so important!! While we all love the idea of reaching for a size 0, unfortunately for most of us that’s not the case, so make sure you’re buying the size that actually fits your body. I’ve been guilty at times of buying a pair and telling myself “oh I’ll fit into these by summer”, not the case. Avoid this frustration and disappointment by just buying the right size! Plus you don’t want to be even more uncomfortable when its 100 degrees outside.
  2. Find the right length- This is another super important key to buying shorts. I know a lot of people who don’t like their legs in short shorts, which is totally fine! Shorts come in all sorts of lengths, so you can find some that are a little longer (without  being the”mom” length) to make you more comfortable and confident.
  3. Pick a style that works for you- There are so many colors, fabrics and patterns out there for you to choose from, you just have to find one that you want! I tend to start with the basics, like your denim short, your black tailored short, white shorts and then mix in a few fun colors.
  4. Pro Tip: Pair with a heel- There is nothing like a short and heel combo to instantly slim and lengthen your legs, and is a great excuse to dust off any of those heels you haven’t worn lately!

Ultimately, I don’t think anyone should be intimidated by shorts, you just have to be confident and find what works best for your body type! I’ve linked up a few styles for you guys to browse if you’d like.


XO, Katie

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